Welcome back to the Ananya Child Development Center podcast, where we delve into the world of child development and explore the latest therapeutic approaches to help children thrive. I’m Anagha Varma, an intern therapist here at Ananya CDC. Today, we're tuning in to the fascinating world of sound and its impact on a child's development with a focus on a specialized therapy known as Auditory Integration Therapy, or AIT.
We're incredibly fortunate to have Madhavi Adimulam, the founder and director of Ananya CDC, with us today to shed light on this unique therapy. Madhavi brings over two decades of experience in the field of child development and a deep passion for helping children reach their full potential. Madhavi, welcome to the podcast!
Madhavi Adimulam: Thank you for having me, Anagha!
Anagha Varma: Madhavi, before we dive into the details of Auditory Integration Therapy, could you share some thoughts on the role of sound in a child’s development? How does sound influence a child’s learning, behavior, and overall well-being?
Madhavi Adimulam: You know, sound is such a powerful tool for learning and for connection. From the moment a baby is born, they are surrounded by sounds—voices, music, even the sounds of everyday life. Those sounds help them to develop language, to understand emotions, and to build connections with the world around them. But sometimes a child's brain can have trouble processing all that sound.
And that's where Auditory Integration Therapy can make a real difference.
Anagha Varma: That's a great way to set the stage, Madhavi. It's clear that sound plays a vital role in a child's development. And sometimes, those auditory pathways can get a little jumbled up.
1. What Is Auditory Integration Therapy (AIT)?
Anagha Varma: Let’s start with the basics. What is Auditory Integration Therapy, and how does it work?
Madhavi Adimulam: Well, think of it this way: Our ears pick up sounds all the time, but it’s our brain that actually makes sense of those sounds. And sometimes, a child’s brain can have trouble processing auditory information. It’s like those sound signals get jumbled up.
So, Auditory Integration Therapy uses specially modified music to kind of retrain the brain, to help it organize and interpret those sounds more effectively. It’s a very gentle, non-invasive approach, and it’s usually done over a series of sessions. It’s like a gentle, personalized tune-up for the brain!
I’d also like to highlight that sound processing changes from the time a baby is in the womb to after they’re born. In the womb, a baby is surrounded by amniotic fluid, so they hear sounds through bone conduction. After birth, they transition to air conduction, as they're no longer surrounded by fluid.
For some children with auditory processing difficulties, this switch from bone conduction to air conduction doesn’t happen smoothly. They might get stuck somewhere in between. Auditory Integration Therapy can provide them with a second chance to make that transition to air conduction, helping their brains process sounds more effectively.
Anagha Varma: That’s fascinating, Madhavi. It sounds like Auditory Integration Therapy gently retrains the way the brain processes sound. Now, for parents who are hearing about this therapy for the first time, they might be wondering…
2. Who Can Benefit from AIT?
Anagha Varma: What are some of the conditions or challenges that Auditory Integration Therapy might be helpful for?
Madhavi Adimulam: We see a lot of kids at Ananya who have really benefited from AIT. Children with autism, those with sensory processing sensitivities, especially auditory sensitivities, often respond well to this therapy. Also, children with learning difficulties like dyslexia or auditory processing disorder can see improvements in their listening and comprehension skills.
But the benefits go beyond just those specific diagnoses. Sometimes, even children who are developing typically can benefit from AIT. It can help them focus better, learn more effectively, and even improve their social interactions.
Even I use Auditory Integration Therapy sometimes when I’m feeling stressed. It can be very calming and relaxing and can help with self-regulation. There’s no age limit for this therapy. We can use it with newborns, children, adults, and even elderly individuals.
Anagha Varma: That’s a broad range of conditions that AIT can potentially address. Now, I know parents are always curious about what to expect during a therapy session.
3. What Happens During an AIT Session?
Anagha Varma: Can you describe what a typical AIT session looks like? What does a child experience during this therapy?
Madhavi Adimulam: The setup is quite simple. The child listens to modified, highly filtered classical instrumental music through headphones. These headphones use both bone conduction and air conduction, allowing for a multi-sensory experience. Sessions typically last between 15 and 45 minutes, and the music is adjusted based on the child’s individual needs and responses.
The best part is that it’s usually an enjoyable experience for children. While they might resist initially, most children come to love it! They can draw, play with toys, or even move around while they listen. They aren’t restricted by the headphones. It's a bit like a sensory playground for their ears.
Anagha Varma: It sounds like a very individualized and sensory-rich experience. Now, many parents in Hyderabad might be wondering…
4. Is AIT Available in Hyderabad?
Anagha Varma: Is Auditory Integration Therapy available here in Hyderabad? Where can parents find qualified practitioners?
Madhavi Adimulam: Yes, it is! We've been offering AIT here at Ananya for over a decade. We have specially trained therapists who are experienced in providing this therapy, and we’ve seen some wonderful results. It’s part of our comprehensive approach to supporting children with developmental needs, especially those with auditory sensory issues.
I'm also a licensed practitioner of one of the AIT modalities we use here, Integrated Listening Systems, now known as UNITE.
Anagha Varma: That’s great to hear that AIT is available for families here in Hyderabad. Now, I’m sure some parents are curious about the evidence.
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5. The Science Behind AIT
Anagha Varma: What does research say about the effectiveness of Auditory Integration Therapy?
Madhavi Adimulam: Research on AIT is ongoing, but there have been some promising studies showing positive results, especially for children with autism and sensory processing difficulties. We’ve also seen firsthand at Ananya how AIT can help improve a child’s listening skills, attention span, and even their social interactions. It’s a gentle way to help the brain process information more effectively.
Parents have also reported improvements in their child’s speech after starting AIT because they can process the speech sounds around them more easily.
Anagha Varma: That’s encouraging to hear, Madhavi. It sounds like there’s growing evidence to support the use of AIT for certain conditions.
6. Empowering Parents: What to Ask an AIT Practitioner
Anagha Varma: What advice would you give to parents in Hyderabad who are considering AIT for their child? What questions should they ask a potential practitioner?
Madhavi Adimulam: I always encourage parents to ask lots of questions! You need to feel comfortable with the therapist and the treatment process. Ask about their training and experience with AIT. Find out what the sessions will be like, how long the treatment might take, and what kind of results you can expect. It’s important to feel confident in the therapist’s expertise and approach.
At Ananya, we typically start with a pre-questionnaire to determine if the child is a good candidate for AIT. Parents answer a set of questions about their child, and this helps us assess whether the therapy is likely to be beneficial. I also encourage parents to experience the therapy themselves—to listen to the music through the headphones and get a feel for what their child will experience.
Anagha Varma: That’s helpful guidance, Madhavi. It’s crucial for parents to feel informed and confident in their decisions about their child’s therapy.
7. A Multidisciplinary Approach to Care
Anagha Varma: How does AIT fit into a broader treatment plan for a child with developmental needs? How might it complement other therapies, such as speech therapy or occupational therapy?
Madhavi Adimulam: We often see great results when AIT is combined with other therapies. For example, a child with autism might receive AIT to help with auditory sensitivities and then also participate in speech therapy to improve their communication skills. Or, a child with sensory processing challenges might benefit from both AIT and occupational therapy to address their overall sensory needs. It's all about finding the right balance of support to help a child thrive.
8. A Message of Hope for Parents in Hyderabad
Anagha Varma: Madhavi, what's your message of hope for parents in Hyderabad who are concerned about their child's sensory processing and considering AIT? What would you want them to know about the journey ahead?
Madhavi Adimulam: You know, Anagha, what I always tell parents is, "Don't lose hope. There is help, and there is a lot we can do to support your child." We have seen so many children make remarkable progress in managing their sensory differences.
I remember one little boy who used to have intense meltdowns whenever he was in a crowded place. With occupational therapy and some simple strategies at home, he's now able to go to the grocery store with his mom and participate in family gatherings without getting overwhelmed. It's amazing to see these transformations! It's a journey, but it’s possible!
9. Outro
Anagha Varma: Madhavi, thank you so much for sharing your expertise and your passion for helping children thrive. This has been a truly insightful conversation.
Madhavi Adimulam: Thanks for having me, Anagha! I'm always happy to talk about therapies that can make a positive difference in a child's life.
Anagha Varma: For our listeners in Hyderabad who are interested in learning more about Auditory Integration Therapy, please visit the Ananya Child Development Center website at www.asap.org.in or give us a call at +91 98485 13192. We offer AIT as part of our comprehensive range of therapies to support children with developmental needs.
And remember, you still have time to book a consultation with Sian Wilson, our guest expert from the UK! She’ll be at Ananya CDC from September 16th to 20th, offering personalized guidance on sensory integration and other developmental needs. Visit our website or give us a call to reserve your spot.
As we’ve learned today, the power of sound can profoundly impact a child’s development. If you’re concerned about your child’s auditory processing or sensory sensitivities, don’t hesitate to reach out for support.
I’m Anagha Varma, and this is the Ananya Child Development Center podcast.
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